I'm on a mission to give 50 speeches in all 50 states at schools across America!

I'm on a mission to give 50 speeches in all 50 states at schools across America!

Watch this video below

to discover WHY!

Watch this video to discover why!

Speech: Dreamology 101

by Timmy the Dreamer

Speech: Dreamology 101

by Timmy the Dreamer

School Year 2024-25:

Dreamology Speaking

Tour Across America

50 speeches.

50 states.

School Year 2024-2025:

Dreamology Speaking Tour Across America.

50 speeches. 50 states.

This fall, I will be giving 50 speeches in 50 states on a speaking tour to high schools, colleges, & conferences across America!

The mission is to empower 10,000 students to go chase their true dreams in life by connecting them to their purpose, their passions, and their deepest desires!

The main topics of this speech directly address the most relevant challenges students are facing today like

how to have positive mental health, how to find a career path they are excited about, & how to have a positive impact in this world we live in.

As a part of this tour, we are also launching a DREAM SCHOLARSHIP FUND

to help fund the dreams of students across America!

Spots are limited for this tour - reach out today to set up a meeting to connect!

This upcoming school year, I will be giving 50 speeches in 50 states on a speaking tour to high schools, colleges, & conferences across America!

The mission is to empower 10,000 students to go chase their true dreams in life by connecting them to their purpose, their passions, and their deepest desires!

The main topics of this speech directly address the most relevant challenges students are facing today like how to have positive mental health, how to find a career path they are excited about, & how to have a positive impact in this world we live in.

As a part of this tour, we are also launching a DREAM SCHOLARSHIP FUND to help fund the dreams of students across America!

Spots are limited for this tour - reach out today to set up a meeting to connect!

There are two paths we can all take in life.

There are two paths we can all take in life ...

There are two paths we can all choose to take in life:

1) The path that society, our friends & family, and others want us to take.


2) The path we truly want to take. The one that is designed for our passions, purpose, and skillsets.

The path that takes us to the life we want to live & the person we want to be.

However, there is one major problem this next generation

is facing ...

And it is beautifully illustrated by Bronnie Ware in her book

"The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying".

The #1 regret of people who are about to die is...

"I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."

When we get to the end of our lives, we think about the life we could have lived.

The person we could have been.

The dreams we could have chased...

And the sad reality is this:

The majority of people never get to experience their dreams.

And now more than ever, kids see that it is possible to achieve their dreams, but they don't know how to make them a reality.

Knowing this, there is an important question we must ask ourselves...

There are two paths we can all choose to take in life:

1) The path that society, our friends & family,

and others want us to take ...


2) The path we truly want to take.

The one that is designed for our passions, purpose, and true desires.

However, there is one major problem

this next generation is facing ...

And it is beautifully illustrated by Bronnie Ware

in her book "The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying".

The #1 regret of people who are about to die is...

"I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not

the life others expected of me."

When we get to the end of our lives,

we think about the life we could have lived.

The person we could have been.

The dreams we could have chased...

And the sad reality is this:

The majority of people never get to live out their dreams.

And now more than ever, kids see that it is possible to achieve their dreams, but they don't know how to make them a reality.

Knowing this, there is an important

question we must ask ourselves...

Why do most people not take the path towards their dreams?

Why do most people not

take the path towards their dreams?

The truth is, our society is not designed for us to chase our dreams.

I would even take it a step further and say our society encourages us...


When we are a kid, we are allowed to dream as big

as we want to dream...

But when we get to high school, college, and our young adulthood, we are told...

It's time to grow up now.

It's time to be realistic.

It's time to forget about our true desires and dreams &

to start being more practical.

It's in this part of our lives, as a result of what others are telling us to do with our lives, that most of us bury our dreams...

99% of humans never

return to them.

And it isn't until we are

about to die that we think

to ourselves..

I wish I wouldn't have listened

to everyone else.

I wish I would have

chased my dreams.



And this is why I created this speech: Dreamology 101!

The truth is, our society is not designed

for us to chase our dreams.

I would even take it a step further

and say our society encourages us


When we are a kid, we are allowed to dream

as big as we want to dream...

But when we get to high school, college,

and our young adulthood, we are told...

It's time to grow up now.

It's time to be realistic.

It's time to forget about our true desires

and dreams & to start being more practical.

It's in this part of our lives, as a result of what others

are telling us to do with our lives,

that most of us bury our dreams...

99% of humans never return to them.

And it isn't until we are about to die

that we think to ourselves..

I wish I wouldn't have listened to everyone else.

I wish I would have chased my dreams.


And this is why I created this speech: Dreamology 101

The Class we were never taught - Dreamology 101

The Class we were

never taught: Dreamology 101

I started studying Dreamology

after graduating college when I realized ...

I didn't actually learn anything

about how to build my dream life...

I was struggling with anxiety, loneliness, & a complete lack of understanding of what I wanted to do with my life.

So I created my own field of study.

Dreamology: the study of how to make my dream life a reality.

I started by signing a lifetime contract with my dreams that stated ...

I will no longer live the life others want me to live, and I am 100% committed to building the life of my dreams.

For 5 years, I have traveled the world, built businesses, ran 100k ultramarathon races, met thousands of people from all walks of life, & experimented with everything & anything that I think impacts quality of life.

And after some of my wildest dreams have come true like ...

Working for one of the biggest influencers in Los Angeles...

Helping create one of the largest social impact movement ever created on social media...

Amassing over 10 million followers for our movement...

Doing two 5 month tours across the country...

Meeting celebrities like Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jake Paul ...

Raising over 5 million for charity...

Making over 1,000 dreams come true for kids with cancer, homeless people and those needing a miracle...

And so much more...

I knew it was time for me to bring this concept of Dreamology to the millions...

To students, recent graduates, and young adults out there

who need it just as badly

as I needed it.

To help them not be one of those people on their death bed saying "I wish I would have..."

This is why I believe so deeply this is the ONE SPEECH everyone needs to hear...

And this is what the speech entails...

I became a student of Dreamology after graduating college

when I realized I didn't actually learn about

how to build my dream life...

I was struggling with anxiety, loneliness, & a complete lack of understanding of what I wanted to do with my life.

So I created my own field of study.

Dreamology: the study of how to make my dream life a reality.

I started by signing a lifetime contract

with my dreams that stated ...

I will no longer live the life others want me to live,

and I am 100% committed to building the life of my dreams.

For 5 years, I have traveled the world,

built businesses, ran 100k ultramarathon races,

met thousands of people from all walks of life, & experimented

with everything & anything that I think impacts quality of life.

And after some of my wildest dreams have come true like ...

Working for one of the biggest influencers in Los Angeles...

Helping create one of the largest social impact

movement ever created on social media...

Amassing over 9 million followers for our movement...

Doing two 5 month tours across the country...

Meeting celebrities like Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jake Paul ...

Raising over 5 million for charity...

Making over 1,000 dreams come true for kids

with cancer, homeless people and those needing a miracle...

And so much more...

I knew it was time for me to bring this

concept of Dreamology to the millions...

To students, recent graduates, and young adults

out there who need it just as badly as I needed it.

To help them not be one of those people

on their death bed saying "I wish I would have..."

This is why I believe so deeply this is the

ONE SPEECH everyone needs to hear...

And this is what the speech entails...

Dreamology 101

Speech & Workshop

Dreamology 101

Speech & Workshop

60 min keynote speech + Workshop

In this talk, I give people permission to step onto the path they truly want to take in life & to be the person they truly want to be.

I do this by not only sharing the stories of my journey & the top lessons I learned along the way...

But also, by giving practical tools to the audience on how they can do the same.

I finish the speech by giving the audience a chance to make the decision I made that changed my life forever...

A chance to sign a lifetime contract with their dreams & to commit to pursuing & living out their dream life...

There will be a workshop embedded into the end of the speech where the audience has a chance to...

Envision the future they want for themselves

Share it with other audience members

And then have a Q+A

where they can gain clarity

or ask any further questions about their dreams.

This speech will inspire people to take action on what they want most & to fundamentally change the path they

were going to take in life...

This speech awakens dreams.

60 min keynote speech + Workshop

In this talk, I give people permission to step onto the path

they truly want to take in life & to be the person they truly want to be.

I do this by not only sharing the stories of my journey

& the top 5 lessons I learned along the way...

But also, by giving practical tools to the audience

on how they can do the same.

I finish the speech by giving the audience a chance

to make the decision I made that changed my life forever...

A chance to sign a lifetime contract with their dreams

& to commit to pursuing & living out their dream life...

There will be a workshop embedded into the end

of the speech where the audience has a chance to...

Envision the future they want for themselves

Share it with other audience members

And then have a Q+A where they can gain clarity or

ask any further questions about their dreams.

This speech will inspire people to take action on

what they want most in life.

This speech awakens dreams.

But don't just take my word for it... here is what people have to say about this speech

But don't just take my word for it...

here is what people have to say

about the Dreamology 101 speech!

"For his age, he has already lived a lifetime. And, he comes through with such conviction and such knowledge, to help you grow & achieve your dreams." - Justin

"Every event needs a speaker like Timmy." - Camilla

"It opened up such a deep part inside of myself that I was able to connect with my heart, connect deeper with who I am, with what I have to offer, and what I have to bring to this world - and that is through my dream." - Mary

"You gotta hear this story. It's super relatable, hilarious at times, & deep." - Bryan

"For his age, he has already lived a lifetime. And, he comes through with such conviction and such knowledge, to help you grow & achieve your dreams." - Justin

"Every event needs a speaker like Timmy." - Camilla

"It opened up such a deep part inside of myself that I was able to connect with my heart, connect deeper with who I am, with what I have to offer, and what I have to bring to this world - and that is through my dream." - Mary

"You gotta hear this story. It's super relatable,

hilarious at times, & deep." - Bryan

Listen to this event host talk about the Dreamology 101 speech

Listen to this event host talk about

the Dreamology 101 speech

"If you're looking for someone to come in & light a fire of inspiration and bring people to transformation, then Timmy is the guy to do it ..."

"The story is amazing & the delivery is even better." - Mikey

"If you're looking for someone to come in & light a fire of inspiration and bring people to transformation, then Timmy is the guy to do it ...

The story is amazing & the delivery is even better." - Mikey

The 5 things that make my speech perfect for students & young adults...

The 5 things that make my speech

perfect for students & young adults...

1) Being that I'm 27 years old & a part of Gen Z, I can relate extremely easily with the problems this generation faces and the desires they have.

2) 75% of Gen Z want to be entrepreneurs, and I can give them a real life example of what it's truly like to pursue the path of entrepreneurship

3) Being that social media stars are the modern day celebrities, I can speak directly on what it's truly like being in that industry, how to meet or work for your heros, and what career paths can look like in the space.

4) With the major issues of Gen Z being psychological issues, my personal story touches directly on my own struggles with mental health, loneliness, and finding my purpose in life. I speak directly on how I improved my happiness and well-being, how I formed an amazing community of people in my life, and how I created a purpose-driven life I am actually excited about.

5) And lastly, with storytelling being one of my biggest passions, I put my heart and soul into everything I do. I give 110% while speaking to any audience & I care deeply that anyone who listens to my speech feels like they have the motivation, tools, and permission they need to chase their wildest dreams.

1) Being that I'm 27 years old & a part of Gen Z,

I can relate extremely easily with the problems

this generation faces and the desires they have.

2) 75% of Gen Z want to be entrepreneurs,

and I can give them a real life example of what

it's truly like to pursue the path of entrepreneurship

3) Being that social media stars are the modern day celebrities,

I can speak directly on what it's truly like being in that industry,

how to meet or work for your heros, and

what career paths can look like in the space.

4) With the major issues of Gen Z being psychological issues,

my personal story touches directly on my own struggles with

mental health, loneliness, and finding my purpose in life. I speak

directly on how I improved my happiness and well-being,

how I formed an amazing community of people in my life,

and how I created a purpose-driven life I am actually excited about.

5) And lastly, with storytelling being one of my biggest passions,

I put my heart and soul into everything I do. I give 110% while speaking

to any audience & I care deeply that anyone who listens to my speech

feels like they have the motivation, tools, and permission

they need to chase their wildest dreams.

If you still want more information, fill out the form below & we can set up a call to discuss if I'm the right fit for your audience.

If you still want more information,

fill out the form below & we can set up a call to

discuss if I'm the right fit for your audience.

Timmy the Dreamer

Full Speaking Bio

Timmy the Dreamer Full Speaking Bio

Timmy is the founder of Dreamer State University & former manager of one of the biggest influencers in Los Angeles - Charlie Rocket.

When graduating college, Timmy thought he was supposed to have life figured out, but the reality was, he had no idea what career path he wanted to take, was battling struggles with mental health, & felt a deep sense of loneliness.

He had done everything that others had told him to do, yet he knew their plan for his life didn’t seem to be working.

In an act of faith, on Aug 15th, 2018, he decided to "sign a lifetime contract with his dreams" committing to the pursuit of his true dream life - not the one anyone else wanted him to live.

He had dreams of starting businesses, traveling the world, and doing things that give his life a deep purpose and meaning.

He had no idea the journey that this would take him on…

In 2020, just 2 years later, he met Charlie Rocket, a famous influencer, where together they traveled the United States in an RV called the “Dream Machine” making dreams come true for kids with cancer, homeless people, and those needing a miracle.

In just 3 years, they amassed over 10 million followers on social media, raised over $5 million for charity, did two 5 month tours across the country, made over 1,000 dreams come true, & collaborating with some of the most famous celebrities in the world like Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jake Paul, & many more.

In the end, they had created the biggest social impact movement on social media ever created.

More important than the career successes, he now knows exactly what his dream life & career look like, has improved his mental health and happiness, has built an incredible community of like minded individuals in his life, & he knows exactly who he is and what he stands for.

This is what he is most proud of. Especially since just 5 years ago, he could only dream of being where he is at now.

Now, he has decided to start his own venture, Dreamer State University, so he can help impact the masses by helping students & young adults get off the path others tell them to take - and get onto the path towards their dream life.

Just like he did.

His mission is to build a community that empowers young leaders, entrepreneurs, and dreamers to build their dream life & to make a positive impact on this world.

Dreamer State University is a school for the dreamers.

Timmy is a keynote speaker, founder of Dreamer State University & former manager of one of the biggest influencers in Los Angeles - Charlie Rocket.

When graduating college, Timmy thought he was supposed to have life

figured out, but the reality was, he had no idea what career path

he wanted to take, was battling struggles with mental health,

& felt a deep sense of loneliness.

He had done everything that others had told him to do,

yet he knew their plan for his life didn’t seem to be working.

In an act of faith, on Aug 15th, 2018, he decided to

"sign a lifetime contract with his dreams" committing

to the pursuit of his true dream life - not

the one anyone else wanted him to live.

He had dreams of starting businesses, traveling the world,

and doing things that give his life a deep purpose and meaning.

He had no idea the journey that this would take him on…

In 2020, just 2 years later, he met Charlie Rocket,

a famous influencer, where together they traveled the

United States in an RV called the “Dream Machine”

making dreams come true for kids with cancer,

homeless people, and those needing a miracle.

In just 3 years, they amassed over 9 million followers

on social media, raised over $5 million for charity,

did two 5 month tours across the country,

made over 1,000 dreams come true, & collaborating

with some of the most famous celebrities in the world

like Oprah, Steve Harvey, Jake Paul, & many more.

In the end, they had created one of the biggest social impact

movements on social media ever created.

More importantly than the career successes, he now knows

exactly what his dream life & career look like, has improved

his mental health and happiness, has built an incredible

community of like minded individuals in his life, & he knows

exactly who he is and what he stands for.

This is what he is most proud of. Especially since just

5 years ago, he could only dream of being where he is at now.

Now, he has decided to start his own venture,

Dreamer State University, so he can help impact the masses

by helping students & young adults build a path towards their dream life.

Just like he did.

His mission is to build a community that empowers young leaders, entrepreneurs, and dreamers to live the life they truly want to live & to make a positive impact on this world.

Dreamer State University is a school for the dreamers.

If you want to learn more about me, click the instagram icon below where you will be able to see weekly post updates on my work & life:

If you want to learn more about me, click the instagram

icon below where you will be able to see weekly post

updates on my work & life: